Filipe Amável – I Cry

I Cry – Filipe Amável – Letra Lyrics

Nobody like be sad
But life give us motives that sometimes
We just choose disappear and never more return
But also life give us friends
That when we feel us on sad world
They make us wake up
On joy world

I recognize you build my own
With your smile
And with your Joy
I feel me full
Because you are
My friends

Like a river
You clean my pain
Like a mirror
You bring my peace
You are the best
And I love you!

But when I think
That you are not here
I close
My Room and lonely
I cry

Óh! Óh! Óh!
Óh óh Óh
Óh Óh óh!
Óh Óh ooh!

And today
Each one is follow his way
After all we lived together
Our friendship
I Will not forget
(No no)

I know, you are
Far Of me
But, I have you
On my mind
You are my friends
Also you are
My family

Óh! Óh! Óh!
Óh óh Óh
Óh Óh óh!
Óh Óh ooh!

Belarmino and Aleixa
Felícia, Ruth Edianeth
Filipa, Ronaldo
Inês, Cecília
Filipe Amável

Letras “Filipe Amável – I Cry” Official Lyrics

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