Harley Poe – Father McKee

Father McKee

Harley Poe

Letra. (Lyrics Music Video)

Father McKee touched me in more ways than one
I learned of sexuality through God’s chosen son
I sang for him and I prayed with him and I did it on my knees

Father McKee taught me how to say please
Amazing grace how sweet the soundww-6juJPySMe used to make me sing that tune as he was going down
I’d meet him in confession and we’d drink up all the wine


Me and father McKee we had a good time
Father McKee said that we were free
He keeps me safe from the enemy
Father McKee laid his hands on me

He helped me to see the Devil lives inside of me
Father McKee doesn’t love me as much as I hate him
I found out just the other day that he’s been touching Tim
An orphan and a choir boy he’s got one up on me

As I lay them down I pray God forgive thee
Father McKee I know not what I do
But it was you who made those videos
Atheists and pagans hear my plea
I’ll be set free to manifest the beast in me Letras Lyrics

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