Keola & Kapono Beamer – Love You All The Time

Love You All The Time Lyrics

ByKeola & Kapono Beamer

Feel as though I’ve know you for a long, long time
Always seem to want to keep you here with me
My thoughts are with you
Whenever we leave you
‘Cause I just love you all the time

Looking in your eyes, I know your every feeling
When you’re in my arms it’s hard to let you go
I’ll keep you with me
I like you near me
‘Cause I just love all the time
(Ooh, I love you)

Anywhere that you want me
It’s fine with me
And we’ll last a lifetime
It’s easy to see
‘Cause I just love all the time

If there’s any time you seem to feel uncertain
Think of all the good times that we’ve had
I’ll never leave you
I’ll always need you
‘Cause I just love you all the time
I just love you all the time
I just love you all the time

Letra Keola & Kapono Beamer – Love You All The Time Lyrics
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