Me and That Man – Męstwo

Męstwo – Me and That Man Lyrics, Letra:
I don’t know how.
I just can’t.
My heart is not ornamented
with this two wooden logs
arranged into a cross.
I have a thunder for a Father
and a she-wolf for a Mother.
Howl, howl with me when you hear a rumble
Along with us the forest’s echo
will sing that night threnody.

My left hand
I form into a gun
I aim at the ground
Because there’s no place
for me in Heaven

I won’t fall to the floor
I won’t kneel
Before you (the one that turns)
Love into pain
Valour into a blunt force
I won’t stop
I won’t rest
I won’t confess repentantly
Cause I now
I now what punishment is
for such a lie
I know what I am
and what I will never be

My left hand
I form into a gun
I aim at the ground
Because there’s no place
for me in Heaven
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