Meggie – Tell Me Summer Never Ends

Letra “Meggie – Tell Me Summer Never Ends” Official Lyrics

I was tall when I was 3 foot 10
Spent the summer solving mysteries with friends
Under the sun I learn the most
So just tell me summer never ends

Soon I spent a week with just my friends
Playing cards and tying knots and sleeping in a cabin
Under the sun I learn the most
So just tell me summer never ends

They say the cold is good for growing
And in the heat we’re just pretending
They must not know the feeling
The silence whеn clocks stop ticking

Nineteen, now I’m older than them
Finding magic whеre the big kids always said
And now I think I understand
I’ll miss myself when summer ends

Under the sun I learn the most
So just tell me summer never ends

Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog

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