Memory wears – Lonesome mix 2

Letra “Memory wears – Lonesome mix 2” Official Lyrics

I feel like I never used to think as much as now
Is it a symptom of aging
And is there a way out

I feel like I’ve been told to sit still since my schooling days began
But now it seems that people sit and shut up to stay sane

Is this why I am so lonesome
I’m as lonesome as they come

Tied for last at least with everybody else that breathes

I’m trying to be less judgmental
But we both know that’s impossible
So I’ll just try and have nicer judgments or fair ones after all

Is this why I am so lonesome
I’m as lonesome as they come

Tied for last at least with everybody else that breathes

Is this why I am so lonesome
I’m as lonesome as they come

Tied for last at least with everybody else that breathes

(as lonesome as they come around x5)

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