Naomi Rosa – What you did ( FYI this is my first time and Be honest in the comments what I should fix!)

Lyrics, Letras: Naomi Rosa – What you did ( FYI this is my first time and Be honest in the comments what I should fix!) Lyrics

You’ve left me standing here all alone, I can’t bear to be
Will you ever notice the pain you’ve caused?
All I am now is just broken inside, aching inside, and my mind is shaking, I think I’m breaking. I wanna go and leave you behind but I’m bad at letting go
I don’t want to live but I don’t want to die
I’ve come to far to leave it all behind
You said you’ll never let go, but look what you did
You just left me here all alone, no emotions just cold inside
When I’m broke it ain’t pretty
All your petty little lies led me to a drastic heartbreak that I barely survived
Was it all just for show, when you said you loved me?
You got me thinking lately should I be here
Its a shame, it was too good to be true
You were so scared of getting hurt that I took the bullet and got hurt

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