Maranata (Letra) – Edméia Oliveira

Maranata (Letra) – Edméia Oliveira
Letras da musica:
O que os olhos não viram
Então se verá
Diante dos homens o filho de Deus
Todo joelho se dobrará
E toda língua confessará

Quando nas nuvens aparecer
Com milhares de anjos que o adoram
Eu subirei, eu subirei
Verei Jesus em grande glória
Tenha fé irmão, abre a boca
E profetize agora: Eu subirei, eu subirei

Ele é o senhor todos dirão
Diante dele todos se prostarão
Santo senhor rei nas nações
Toda a glória pertence a ti Jesus

Maranata oh vem
Maranata oh vem Jesus
Maranata oh vem
Maranata oh vem senhor Jesus
Maranata oh vem
Maranata oh vem Jesus

Deus no Controle (Letra) – Edméia Oliveira

Deus no Controle (Letra) – Edméia Oliveira
Letras da musica:
Deixa Deus curar você
Ele entende o seu choro
Te decifra em um olhar
Ele sabe muito bem a origem de uma dor

Sabe o final também
Tem o não a seu dispor
Tem o sim a seu favor
Te atende no seu quarto
De joelhos a orar

No silêncio das palavras
Que não sabe expressar
O segredo é confiar
É saber quem é poder
Sobre a morte a sua vida
Ele estabeleceu

Não há caso impossível, para o seu senhor
Ele trata, ele sara todas as feridas
Não importa se o homem te desenganou
Determinando o tempo para a sua vida
A palavra de Deus é a que prevalece
Até a morte lhe obedece

Abrace o seu milagre com louvor
Não há caso impossível para o seu senhor
Seu poder está além de toda medicina
Não importa se o seu recurso acabou
Somente pela graça ele te examina
Vai confundir os homens por amar você
Quem te viu e quem te vê
Deixa Deus curar você

Não existe impossível para ele
Tudo está no seu controle tudo dele
Não importa o tamanho da sua dor
Não há lei de gravidade para o seu Senhor

Alice (Letra) – Amy Lee

Alice (Letra) – Amy Lee
Letras da musica:
Alice, where art thou going?
Upstairs, to take a bath
Her legs were like two toothpicks
Her neck like a giraffe
Alice stepped in the bathtub
And slipped uponn the soap

Oh my goodness, bless my soul
There goes Alice down the hole!
Alice, where art thou going?
Glub, glub, glub

Run The Night (Letra) – Gigi Rowe

Run The Night (Letra) – Gigi Rowe
Letras da musica:
I’ll let you in
You wanna come a little closer
So I can whisper things in the dark
and tell you everything I need from you
Don’t waste my time
Like all the other boys do
I wanna feel like this is something new
Cause I’ve been running an empty, yeah
Ah, Ah
When you say
You wanna know
Wanna know
Wanna know
Wanna know
If it’s true
Now you know
Now you know
I’m gonna be with you
So let it go
So let it go
It feels so right
Running the night
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh Yeah
Oh, oh, oh, oh
We’re gonna run the night
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh Yeah
Oh, oh, oh, oh
We’re gonna
We’re gonna
Run the night

I lost control
Never had it in the first place
Sweetest illusion in the worst way
But I keep reaching for you now
Ah, ah
Your madness calls
Through a dirty blue haze
Should we get outta this place, Yeah
Lock me up in your arms babe
Ah, ah
When you say
you wanna know
Wanna know
Wanna know
Wanna know
If it’s true
Now you know
Now you know
I’m gonna be with you
So let it go
So let it go
It feels so right
Running the night
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh Yeah
Oh, oh, oh, oh
We’re gonna run the night
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh Yeah
Oh, oh, oh, oh
We’re gonna
We’re gonna
Run the night

You know what
I’m gonna do?
I’m gonna dance with you
See you across the room
I wanna dance with you
So let’s go
Don’t stop
Let’s go
Don’t stop
So let’s go


When you say
You wanna know
Wanna know
Wanna know
Wanna know
If it’s true
Now you know
Now you know
I’m gonna be with you
So let it go
So let it go
It feels so right
Running the night
When you say
You wanna know
Wanna know
Wanna know
Wanna know
If it’s true
Now you know
Now you know
I’m gonna be with you
So let it go
So let it go
It feels so right
Running the night
Oh, oh, oh, oh (Feels so right)
Oh, oh, oh, oh Yeah
Oh, oh, oh, oh (Feels so right)
We’re gonna run the night
Oh, oh, oh, oh (Feels so right)
Oh, oh, oh, oh Yeah
Oh, oh, oh, oh (Feels so right)
We’re gonna
We’re gonna
Run the night

Ide (Letra) – Ide JC

Ide (Letra) – Ide JC
Letras da musica:
Qual o peso da sua história
O testemunho que tem pra contar
O que fez que deixou sua marca
Vivemos em um mundo onde não há mais perdão
O amor pelas almas assim sumiu
Então a Deus pergunta
Onde está a salvação?

Ide e pregai o evangelho
A todos que ainda não vivem o certo
Tu és livre
Mostre a todos quem é o seu rei
Ide e anunciai o recado
Que Jesus nos ensinou no passado
Ora vença o pecado
Porque Cristo venceu
Ô ô porque Cristo venceu

Aquele 1% (Letra) – Victor Benicio

Aquele 1% (Letra) – Victor Benicio
Letras da musica:
Eu abro a porta e puxo a cadeira do jantar
A luz de velas pra ela se apaixonar
Eu mando flores, chocolates e cartão
O meu problema sempre foi ter grande coração

Ligo no outro dia no estilo Don Juan
Dormiu bem meu amor? É domingo de manhã
Vamos pegar uma praia, deu saudade do seu beijo
Trato todas iguais
Esse é meu defeito

Tô namorando todo mundo
99 anjo, perfeito
Mas aquele 1 é vagabundo
Mas aquele 1 é vagabundo
Safado e elas gostam

Tô namorando todo mundo
99 anjo, perfeito
Mas aquele 1 é vagabundo
Mas aquele 1 é vagabundo
Safado e elas gostam

Só 1

E o 1 mais safado do Brasil!

Chega pra cá, Safadão!
Marcos e Belutti!

Eu abro a porta e puxo a cadeira do jantar
A luz de velas pra ela se apaixonar
Eu mando flores, chocolates e cartão
O meu problema sempre foi ter grande coração

Eu ligo no outro dia no estilo Don Juan
Dormiu bem meu amor? É domingo de manhã
Vamos pegar uma praia, deu saudade do seu beijo
Trato todas iguais
Esse é meu defeito

Tô namorando todo mundo
99 anjo, perfeito
Mas aquele 1 é vagabundo
Aquele 1 é vagabundo
Safado e elas gostam

Tô namorando todo mundo
99 anjo, perfeito
Mas aquele 1 é vagabundo
Aquele 1 é vagabundo
Mostra a safadeza de vocês, vai

Tô namorando todo mundo
99 anjo, perfeito
Mas aquele 1 é vagabundo
Mas aquele 1 é vagabundo
Safadão e elas gostam

Tô namorando todo mundo
99 anjo, perfeito
Mas aquele 1 é vagabundo
Mas aquele 1 é vagabundo
Safadão e elas gostam

Só 1!
E elas gostam!
E elas gostam!

Macabéa (Letra) – Lau e Eu

Macabéa (Letra) – Lau e Eu
Letras da musica:
Café frio ninguém quer
Existe gente em um mundo só
Existe um mundo só em tanta gente
Pessoas tão tão complicadas
Pessoas tão tão complicadas

Café frio era ela
Café frio
Ninguém bebe, ninguém usa
Todos jogam pelo ralo
Todos jogam pelo ralo

É vazio, é vazio
Ela era o vazio
Como o vácuo no espaço
Indivisível em pedaços
As pessoas tão complicadas
As pessoas tão tão tão complicadas

Café frio
Ninguém quer
Existe gente em um mundo só
Existe um mundo só em tanta gente

Vangoffey – ‘Take Off Your Jacket & Get Into It’

If Gaz Coombes has taken the melodic impetus of Supergrass into more mature, considered territories on his two solo albums, at least ‘Grass drummer Danny Goffey, under the guise of Vangoffey, is still lobbing lark-about pop bombs for a larf.

They doubtless were Thark warriors who had been sent out to capture us, and we breathed a great sigh of relief that they were traveling in the opposite direction. Quickly lifting Dejah Thoris from the thoat, I commanded the animal to lie down and we three did the same, presenting as small an object as possible for fear of attracting the attention of the warriors toward us.

We could see them as they filed out of the pass, just for an instant, before they were lost to view behind a friendly ridge; to us a most providential ridge; since, had they been in view for any great length of time, they scarcely could have failed to discover us. As what proved to be the last warrior came into view from the pass, he halted and, to our consternation, threw his small but powerful fieldglass to his eye and scanned the sea bottom in all directions. Evidently he was a chieftain, for in certain marching formations among the green men a chieftain brings up the extreme rear of the column. As his glass swung toward us our hearts stopped in our breasts, and I could feel the cold sweat start from every pore in my body.

And then the moonlight flooded the cave, and there before me lay my own body as it had been lying all these hours, with the eyes staring toward the open ledge and the hands resting limply upon the ground. I looked first at my lifeless clay there upon the floor of the cave and then down at myself in utter bewilderment; for there I lay clothed, and yet here I stood but naked as at the minute of my birth.

The transition had been so sudden and so unexpected that it left me for a moment forgetful of aught else than my strange metamorphosis. My first thought was, is this then death! Have I indeed passed over forever into that other life! But I could not well believe this, as I could feel my heart pounding against my ribs from the exertion of my efforts to release myself from the anaesthesis which had held me. My breath was coming in quick, short gasps, cold sweat stood out from every pore of my body, and the ancient experiment of pinching revealed the fact that I was anything other than a wraith.

Again was I suddenly recalled to my immediate surroundings by a repetition of the weird moan from the depths of the cave. Naked and unarmed as I was, I had no desire to face the unseen thing which menaced me.

My revolvers were strapped to my lifeless body which, for some unfathomable reason, I could not bring myself to touch. My carbine was in its boot, strapped to my saddle, and as my horse had wandered off I was left without means of defense.


Unable longer to resist the temptation to escape

This horrible place I leaped quickly

The crisp, fresh mountain air outside the cave acted as an immediate tonic and I felt new life and new courage coursing through me. Pausing upon the brink of the ledge I upbraided myself for what now seemed to me wholly unwarranted apprehension. I reasoned with myself that I had lain helpless for many hours within the cave, yet nothing had molested me, and my better judgment, when permitted the direction of clear and logical reasoning, convinced me that the noises I had heard must have resulted from purely natural and harmless causes; probably the conformation of the cave was such that a slight breeze had caused the sounds I heard.

I decided to investigate, but first I lifted my head to fill my lungs with the pure, invigorating night air of the mountains. As I did so I saw stretching far below me the beautiful vista of rocky gorge, and level, cacti-studded flat, wrought by the moonlight into a miracle of soft splendor and wondrous enchantment.

Few western wonders are more inspiring than the beauties of an Arizona moonlit landscape; the silvered mountains in the distance, the strange lights and shadows upon hog back and arroyo, and the grotesque details of the stiff, yet beautiful cacti form a picture at once enchanting and inspiring; as though one were catching for the first time a glimpse of some dead and forgotten world, so different is it from the aspect of any other spot upon our earth.

I decided to investigate, but first I lifted my head

Unable longer to resist the temptation to escape this horrible place I leaped quickly through the opening into the starlight of a clear Arizona night. The crisp, fresh mountain air outside the cave acted as an immediate tonic and I felt new life and new courage coursing through me. Pausing upon the brink of the ledge I upbraided myself for what now seemed to me wholly unwarranted apprehension.

solo2-wireless-red-quarterI reasoned with myself that I had lain helpless for many hours within the cave, yet nothing had molested me, and my better judgment, when permitted the direction of clear and logical reasoning, convinced me that the noises I had heard must have resulted from purely natural and harmless causes; probably the conformation of the cave was such that a slight breeze had caused the sounds I heard.

I decided to investigate, but first I lifted my head to fill my lungs with the pure, invigorating night air of the mountains. As I did so I saw stretching far below me the beautiful vista of rocky gorge, and level, cacti-studded flat, wrought by the moonlight into a miracle of soft splendor and wondrous enchantment.

Few western wonders are more inspiring than the beauties of an Arizona moonlit landscape; the silvered mountains in the distance, the strange lights and shadows upon hog back and arroyo, and the grotesque details of the stiff, yet beautiful cacti form a picture at once enchanting and inspiring; as though one were catching for the first time a glimpse of some dead and forgotten world, so different is it from the aspect of any other spot upon our earth.

As I stood thus meditating, I turned my gaze from the landscape to the heavens where the myriad stars formed a gorgeous and fitting canopy for the wonders of the earthly scene. My attention was quickly riveted by a large red star close to the distant horizon. As I gazed upon it I felt a spell of overpowering fascination—it was Mars, the god of war, and for me, the fighting man, it had always held the power of irresistible enchantment. As I gazed at it on that far-gone night it seemed to call across the unthinkable void, to lure me to it, to draw me as the lodestone attracts a particle of iron.